Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rip, Mix, and Burn Response

Although we only watched a portion of the video lecture I found it to be very interesting. I do not know many of the details about all of the legal stuff involved in the use of media so this information will certainly prove to be helpful for me. Learning about what happened in the media world before I was born is fascinating! I thought that the legal battles began when Napster came out!! Clearly, I am not very well educated about the background of media use.

Sandra Day O'Conner is even more awesome in my mind because she saved the fast-forward button! That was the single coolest piece of information I learned in the first part of the video.

Being a future teacher I plan on incorporating the use of movies and music into my lessons. Have you ever seen School House Rock??? I still remember the Preamble to the U. S. constitution because of the song ("We the people, in order to form a more perfect union...")! And I cannot forget the numerous books that, once the class finished reading, we watched the movie versions of. Having the media to reinforce the book was what made some stories more memorable to me (for example "The Cay" in sixth grade). I had absolutely no idea that a teacher could get in trouble for showing their class a movie because of copyright laws. That is the most shocking bit of information I gained from watching the first half of the video. I enjoyed this lecture and I am excited to see the remainder in our next class.


  1. I agree with your post as well. I was shocked when it comes to what teachers can show and not show as far as the media and movies goes. I also wrote about this topic in my post too.

  2. Reading your post about "School House Rock" brought back great memories for me. I would agree that the combination of reading books and showing the movie is a great reinforcement for students. Also, it helps struggling readers to be able to create that visual picture in their minds. Many struggling readers are focusing so much energy on sounding out words, that they miss so much of the story. Movies helps them to fill in the gaps. If we as teachers are to customize are teaching to the learning ability of each individual child movies are an essential learning tool that must be used.

  3. Two words, "Conjunction Junction."



  4. Now I have that tune stuck in my head... "Conjunction junction, what's your function?" (That's all that I remember from that song but after a decade that says a lot for School House Rock!)
